Thursday, 21 July 2011

Things you should know about me if we're going to be BFF!

Im 5'7 tall
My bed is my comfort spot....

I LOVE's an addiction

My biggest fear is losing my loved ones, and being alone

I love getting into a cold feeling ever

I tend to get obsessed with things and go crazy with them for a little while (i.e. scrapbooking, sewing, crochet, baking etc.)

I always have atleast 2-3 loads of laundry to do.....

I'm addicted to scents, and sniff almost everything (lol can be bad at times)

Weight has always been a problem for me, but for some reason I can't get motivated to do anything about it....maybe after baby comes

I like ketchup on toast

I pee infront of my husband.....he's now to the point that it doesn't bug him...he he he

I love the Fall......the colors are beautiful

I love playing cards, even tho i lose most of the time

It never fails, whenever I use a hot glue gun, i burn some part of me

I know as soon as I publish this post, I will think of a million other things I could add to this post, but thats ok, maybe i'll come back and add to it.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Hoo are you?

So I just found this blog called "Night Owl Crafting" tonight, and there are a weekly set of questions people can answer and blog being new to the blogging world, I thought I would participate and see what comes of it. 

1. Are you enjoying the summertime?
To be honest, I haven`t really had a chance yet to enjoy summer time....being pregnant isn`t fun with all this heat we`ve been getting.  Once Peanut arrives, I`m thinking summer will be GREAT! lol
2. What activities have you done in the last week?
hung out with friends, worked on nursery, packed hospital bags, doc`s appt`s galore, gone for supper with hubby.
3. What types of food do you tend to eat more of in the summer?
fruit, iceream, BBQ, freezies
4. How much time are you spending outside?
I`ve been trying to spend as much time as I can outside in the mornings when it`s cool, afternoons just get way to hot for this preggo lady.  Evenings are nice as well....can`t wait to get to the lake and go swimming, will spend a lot more time outside then. 
5. Is there any fun projects you are working on inside or outside your house?
At the moment, I`m painting some picture frames for the nursery, and I`m also collecting picture frames of various shapes and sizes for my living room wall.....I plan on doing a collage wall....stay tuned for pics and updates.


Lately life has been crazier than I could have ever imagined.  It's crazy as in never knowing what to expect around the next corner......becoming a mom is hard work lol.  As a way of destressing, I've decided to start a blog, and vent to everyone about my daily life, hobbies, happy moments, and some not so great moments.  I hope you stick around for the journey, who knows......maybe we'll all learn something new. for some details about me.

Name: Krissy
Age: 28
Marital Status: Happily Married to the best husband in the world....
Location: BC, Canada
Current condition: 36 weeks I done yet? lol
Baby:  sex unknown, affectionately known as Peanut

As it goes right now, this baby could be born before it's Aug. 6th due date.....which would be totally fine with me at this point.  Last wednesday, I had an ultrasound which discovered I have low amniotic are monitoring me closely, ready to swoop in at any moment and put peanut into my arms. Im going to try and post on a daily basis and give little updates, along with post pics and tutorials on all things crafty my little hands can wrap themselves around.  I've always enjoyed being crafty, and getting Peanut's nursery ready has been fun for me.  Since we don't know the sex of the baby, I've done the nursery fairly neutral....walls an aqua type color (lol don't ask name, my brain is on holidays at the moment), dresser/change table is pine, crib a pine - ish type finish...if that makes any sense whatsoever, bedding is aqua, lime green and chocolate brown.  I just got finished adding some vinyl art to the wall.....
"Sweet dreams
sleep tight
we love you

I've also got some frames on the go....I painted them white tonight, and tomorrow im going to be adding some vinyl images to them, and then hanging them on the walls.  Im getting all of these things done at the last moment possible...OF COURSE....and 2 days from now on thursday I will be packing my bags and heading an hour and a half away from home to a bigger centre to stay with my MIL....why you ask?  Im doing this because i've had some complications with my pregnancy, and my specialist would feel better me having my baby is a bigger off I go, leaving hubby at home until the time comes for peanut to join us. 
Now that i've totally put you to sleep for the night with my endless on the first post none the less....I will leave you be for the night.  I hope you all have a great night, and I will see you again in the morning....